Post by NinouClipMate is FREE NOW.
Clipmate is a clipboard manager. One of the best.
ClipMate saves time and makes you more productive by adding clipboard
functions that the Windows clipboard leaves out, such as holding
thousands of "clips", instead of just one at a time. ClipMate has
functions to combine, edit, and manage your clipboard data. It can
also print, re-format, and even spell-check. It also has a
multi-monitor screen capture, and has features for sharing clips among
multiple PCs.
I use it, and love it. I tried many clipboard managers, and settled on
this one. Before this one, I used ClipMagic which was a bit flaky,
shared many features of Clipmate, but replaced it when they dropped
their free version to go all payware. At some time, ClipMagic got
yanked. Their web site now only mentions some video clipping tool. You
have to find download sites that still carry the old c.2011 4.1 version,
Thornton was very quick on reporting problems with his software while
ClipMagic was hard to reach, and slow to fix. Back when I started using
Clipmate, I don't recall there was a free version, just a trial version.
I paid for it ($40, I think), because it was that good. Alas, ClipMate
going all freeware means there won't be any updates hereafter. Oddly,
their main page has a Download button that points to the download, and a
trial version, but looks to point to the same-named installer .exe file.
The download page has a link to Pricing, but that page can't be found
(no surprise).
With Thornton dropping the product likely means support will slacken
until completely absent. I think I started with version 4 or 5. An
upgrade to 6 was free, because I had purchased 5 a few months earlier.
An upgrade to 7 in 2016 was $20. 7.5 came out in 2013, but I didn't
bother to upgrade until 2016. Incremental upgrades were always free.
Now there won't be any more. I have 7.5 which is the last version ever.
Even though I already have the latest version, and had saved its
download along with the registration key, I downloaded it again since
the installer .exe is a slightly different name, but same size. I did a
"fc /b" on the old and new downloads, and there were no differences.
The old (and still same) version requires a key to unlock the trial
period. You need to get their free keys at:
The keys require a matching username. Since I registered before, my
"firstname lastname" was the username. I downloaded the above web page
to keep with the [new] free last-version download.
says he has been working on Clipmate since 1991. has a
copy of his web site back to only 1996. Says he intended to do some
more updates, never got the time, and decided to stop working on it
after 33 years. Maybe he just didn't come up with anything to add or
fix since 2013 when version 7.5.26_136, the last version, came out.