Reasons Why PGP Must Die
(too old to reply)
Nomen Nescio
2024-10-23 19:14:49 UTC
The Spyware Governments Use to Silence Dissent:

PGP Must Die: https://restoreprivacy.com/let-pgp-die/

Tuta ensures users that even they cannot access your inbox, due to the open
source encryption standards they use, check review link below...

Tuta Review 2024: https://restoreprivacy.com/email/reviews/tuta-mail/

Tuta uses industry-standard end-to-end encryption algorithms for email and other
user data. All data is encrypted at rest and only decrypted in your browser or
email client. Because it does not use PGP encryption.

Tuta uses symmetric (AES 256) and asymmetric encryption (AES 256 / RSA 2048) to
encrypt emails end-to-end (E2E). When both parties use Tuta, all emails are
automatically end-to-end encrypted (asymmetric encryption). For an encrypted
email to an external recipient, a password for encrypting & decrypting the email
(symmetric encryption) must be exchanged once. The company suggests doing so
using Signal messenger.

On top of its automatic end-to-end encryption, Tuta uses STARTTLS with an
extended validation certificate, Perfect Forward Secrecy, DNSSEC, DANE, DMARC,
and DKIM to secure your connection to Tuta to the maximum.

Don't let snoopers read your email, get END TO END email encryption...

Tuta is the world's most secure email service, easy to use and private by design.

Free and premium END TO END email encryption services: https://tuta.com/pricing

Turn OFF Surveillance, TechCrunch says: "Encrypted Gmail alternative" https://tuta.com/

For general everyday sending email you should be using tuta.com encrypted email.

This is not about making money, this is about telling people to use end to end encryption
when sending email. Get off Hotmail and Gmail and others like them as they're scanning
your emails, putting ads in your email account and collecting data on you. Do you know
your ISP, third parties and your 'Hotmail, Gmail or whoever' can read your email???
That's a BIG NO NO!!! Get end to end encrypted email now. FREE: https://tuta.com/pricing

Why do you think Hotmail, Gmail etc. are free, do you think they want to make you happy?

It is a stimulating feeling and so wonderful that having tuta.com on board as my main "end
to end encryption" email provider keeps me safe and secure, are you?

Free and premium sevices available.

All the details you need to know about tuta.com are below...

Tuta.com is the best end to end email encryption provider in the world.

Data that tuta.com encrypts end-to-end...

Emails, including subject lines and all attachments
(Proton Mail Does Not Encrypt Subject Line)
Entire calendars, even metadata such as event notifications
Entire address book, not just parts of the contacts
Inbox rules / filters
And the entire search index.

Some people think that both sender and recipient must have Tuta for the email to be
encrypted. Not so, only the sender needs Tuta but the recipient must give the sender a
password which the recipient uses to decrypt the message when notified in their inbox that
there is a secure message to be opened. The recipient can read and reply (encrypted) to
the sender.

Of course if both parties are using Tuta then there would be no need for passwords, just
your login password for Tuta.com and use jut like normal email software.

Everyone has the right to privacy, and this includes encrypted email. That's why the basic
secure email account in tuta.com will always be free of charge. No personal information and
no phone numbers are required to register your anonymous email account.

What makes tuta.com better than ProtonMail, FastMail, HushMail and other encrypted email

Tuta.com doesn't rely on integrations with Google services, unlike our competitors. With
Tuta, you get the biggest bang for your buck, with the most features included with a free
account and the lowest price points for paid accounts.

Free and premium END TO END email encryption services: https://tuta.com/pricing


Tuta uses a standardized, hybrid method consisting of a symmetrical and an asymmetrical
algorithm - AES with a length of 256 bit and RSA with 2048 bit.

TUTA Encryption https://tuta.com/encryption

Tuta.com Is Breaking New Ground With Post Quantum Encryption For Email

Easy: https://tuta.com/blog/posts/email-encryption-guide-how-send-encrypted-email

Tuta is quantum smart: https://tuta.com/blog/posts/cybersecurity-strategy-post-quantum-encryption

Independent tuta.com review: https://privacysavvy.com/email/guides/tutanota-guide

How to send anonymous email: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.security.pgp

Harvest now, decrypt later: https://www.novabbs.com/computers/article-flat.php?id=17353&group=alt.privacy.anon-server#17353

DO IT NOW!!! https://tuta.com/pricing it's the world's best E2E encryption provider!

Surveillance Watch Site: https://www.surveillancewatch.io/

Stay safe, stay encrypted!

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symmetric-key symmetric-keys twoFish chacha20-poly1305 serpent backdoors backdoor
passwords password crypto-shredding homomorphic metadata information informative
2024-10-23 20:24:11 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
Tuta to the maximum
t u t a s n i t c h
Fritz Wuehler
2024-10-24 08:36:36 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
PGP Must Die: https://restoreprivacy.com/let-pgp-die/
Why GPG must die? It works very well.
